EOSC 2022 Technical Workshop

12 December 2022 par Jérome Pansanel [TheChamp-Sharing]
The GIS France Grilles is co-organising an EOSC technical workshop from 24 to 26 January 2023 at IPHC. The SCIGNE platform team, local organizer of this workshop, invites you to participate to this event!

The GIS France Grilles is co-organising an EOSC technical workshop from 24 to 26 January 2023 at IPHC (Strasbourg). The SCIGNE platform team, local organizer of this event, invites you to present and discuss the following points:

  • How to join EOSC (catalogue and portal)
  • EOSC working groups and the relevance for data centres
  • Authentication and authorisation, security and legal aspects
  • Interoperability of services and infrastructures
  • Federated technical projects around computing and data
  • Funding opportunities (procurement, future H2020 projects)

Registration is open to all: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28381/

Registration is free of charge, but mandatory for logistical reasons.